Forestry blocks: how and why?
Why add a forestry block in your FARMAX file?
You can use the forestry block feature to explore how having part of your farm in trees will affect your wider farm system.
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Another reason may be that you already have forestry on the farm. Now you can include that in your FARMAX plan, ensuring FARMAX better aligns with other tools you may use and your Total Area reporting reflects your whole farm system.
Note: forestry area is non grazable. A forestry area does not contribute to your farm pasture supply. Forestry area is not included in the Farm Area. Forestry area is included in Total Area. Find out more about Area definitions here

Adding a forestry block

You can add a forestry block by right clicking Farm Level in the tree view. The Farm Level is top level where the Farm Name is listed.
From the Menu select New Block and then select Forestry from the list of block types.

After Selecting Forestry, you will now see your Forestry Block in the tree, below any Pasture Blocks.

Once your new Forestry Block is in place, you can edit block properties to reflect your farm or the scenario you want to examine.
Editing forestry areas and removing forestry blocks
Forestry Blocks and Other Blocks are additional to the Farm Area defined for your subscription. They are unconstrained. You can add or reduce the size of your forestry block/s by typing in the Area field in the block properties screen.
To remove a forestry block, right click on the block in the tree view and select delete from the menu.